We will present the latest trends in maintenance solutions through advanced sensing technologies and artificial intelligence. These technologies make it easier to improve the design of the machinery, making it more reliable and maintainable.
The development of support systems based on predictive and prescriptive maintenance enable the current and future state of machinery in different conditions of use to be determined, avoiding undesired stoppages, increasing availability, reducing maintenance costs and ensuring the required quality parameters and performance.
Along with ANMOPYC, we aim to help understand the benefits of optimum maintenance, creating added value to the business processes.
- MRO for machinery: reliability, failure analysis, logistic support and life cycle with Diego Galar, TECNALIA, Reliability and Maintenance
- Examples of failure analysis in equipment with Jaime Gascón, TECNALIA, Laboratory Services
- Success Story: Monitoring and maintenance of cranes with Ismael Bienvenido, ZEUKO Cranes and Lifting Systems
- The webinar will be held virtually using the TEAMS platform.
- The link to connect to the webinar will be sent to those registered the day before the event.
- Sergio Serrano – Technical Director ANMOPYC (976 22 73 87)