An important goal for the European Union is to accelerate the shift towards a low carbon economy and promote innovation in transport. The deployment of EU Programmes on Research & Innovation is providing new solutions towards a system that is more environmentally-friendly, resource efficient, safer and adapted to current challenges (i.e. climate change, increase of freight transport, oil dependence, etc).
The Madrid Conference will also present the final results of the DURABROADS EU Project which has focussed its research on how nanomaterials can improve road pavements in terms of durability, resilience and sustainability. In addition, the event will display different examples of collaborative research projects that focus on:
- Latest trends and challenges in road research
- Use of nanotechnology-based elements in road pavements
- Adaptation of asphalt pavements to the Circular Economy approach
- Green Public Procurement for road pavements
- Partnership between Europe and US in road infrastructure research
- Sustainable performance assessment software and certificates