
Open source software licences: how do they impact on my development?


27 November 2020




10:00 am - 11:30 am



The aim of the event is to raise awareness about open source software licences, their origin, where they come from and why.

What makes a licence open source? What are its implications? Different case studies will be explained.

The aim is not to provide exhaustive legal knowledge, but to understand the implications of licences in our work through case studies.

The objectives sought when licences were issued and their technical implications will be explained.


  • Introduction to free software licences: what they are, how they differ, how many there are, families, how to find out what licence a code has, etc.
  • Case 1: I want to release my code: how do I go about it? What business model will allow me to do this?
  • Case 2: I have to develop something as part of my work, but I know a library that can help me and I want to use it. Can I? What are the implications of using it and then selling my resulting development?
  • Case 3: I am using an open source tool in a project with a customer's data in order to obtain my data. Am I in breach of IPR?

Aimed at:

  • People interested in technical implications, product/asset managers who have software content, developers, etc.


  • Alejandra Ruiz is a telecommunications engineer (2005), with a master's degree in advanced artificial intelligence (2012) and a doctorate in telecommunications and computer science (2015). She has been a researcher at TECNALIA since 2007 and is currently part of the Trustech Group (Trust Technologies). She has extensive experience in taking part in and leading European research projects. Ruiz started to engage in open source communities, such as the Morfeo project (run by Telefonica) and carried out work for CENATIC. She currently takes part in open source communities such as FSF (Free Software Foundation) and Ubuntu (she is part of the Women in Ubuntu group). She is also active within the Eclipse community: she was part of the Polarsys working group and is an active member of the Eclipse OpenCert project as a “committer”.


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