This edition of the JIEEC, under the title of “Smarts Grids for Energy Transition - Technology, electrification and new role-players” will analyse the technological aspects related to the evolution of the electrical distribution grids within the energy transition processes from the economic, regulatory and market approach. Furthermore, it will also tackle business models related to the economic transition processes.
At the different sessions, the following will be addressed in depth:
- Development of smart grids in the forthcoming years in the electrification of consumption fields (electric vehicles, heating).
- Development of flexibility services based on the management of distributed energy resources.
- Digitalisation of the grids (data processing, cybersecurity).
- Regulation
- The evolution of the most relevant aspects related to the future of networks in other countries will be reviewed.
- The situation of the industry associated with smart grids in the Basque Country will be analysed.
Models or references will be presented from which lesson can be learned to strengthen the local industrial fabric and guarantee its sustainability globally.