13JunCE marking of surfing, canyoning, water skiing and diving wetsuits in the EUDigitalisationBy: Mikel Badiola LandaRead more
3MarCrystal balls, magic mirrors, and ageing pictures: The digital twin featuresDigitalisationBy: Diego Galar PascualRead more
4NovIndustrial automation in the Basque Country: Opportunities and challenges aheadDigitalisationBy: Izaskun Jimenez IturrizaRead more
25JunWhy deep learning performs better than classical machine learning approachesDigitalisationBy: Artzai Picón RuizRead more
4AprBy standardizing the robot benchmarking process: preparing them for the real worldDigitalisationBy: Anthony RemazeillesRead more
3MaySabotage: Fault injection simulations for dependability analysis of safety-critical systemsDigitalisationBy: Garazi Juez UriagerekaRead more