Unique opportunity for knowledge transfer and debate on the latest marine renewable energy technologies
The University of the Basque Country, through the Bilbao School of Engineering, is hosting the 15th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC 2023).
EWTEC 2023 is a unique opportunity to meet hundreds of experts in the field of wave and tidal energy and to strengthen ties.
- The event will feature international technical and scientific conferences focusing on ocean renewable energy.
- It will also have an exhibition space, technical visits and a full social programme.
- In this edition, José Luis Villate, Director of Renewable Energy and Thermal Efficiency at TECNALIA, is the co-president of EWTEC, along with the President Jesús M. Blanco (UPV/EHU).
Offshore renewable energy in the Basque Country
The Basque Country's commitment to offshore renewable energy is already a real scenario with a promising future.
Supported by three main pillars - infrastructure, research and training - the Basque Country continues to grow and move sustainably towards future changes in energy supply.