Making use of treated wastewater is a basic pillar to foster a more rational use of water. Not only is it a source of water but also of other resources, such as energy, nutrients and other added value products. This approach falls into the scope of the circular economy, which fosters a more sustainable use of natural resources.
Next December, the DAM Chair for Comprehensive Management and Recovery of Wastewater Resources at Valencia University is holding a conference on making use of wastewater as a source of resources in the city of Valencia.
Our colleague, Thomas Dietrich, will give a talk on Volatile, an initiative led by TECNALIA, to raise awareness of the development of an innovative platform for the biotransformation of organic waste into volatile fatty acids.
- Public Entities
- Professionals from the water treatment sector
- Researchers
- University students interested in wastewater treatment and the recovery of resources
Leading centres in the research and treatment of urban and industrial wastewater, such as TECNALIA, CETAQUA, KWR, URV, UAB, UCLM, ANFACO-CECOPESCA, and the company BIORIZON Biotech will review the most interesting alternatives that have been successfully developed.