
2nd AEMAC Business-Academia collaboration conference


25 September 2018


Madrid, Calle CID 4, 28001, CDTI





On 25th September, the 2nd AEMAC Business - Academia Conferences will be held in conjunction with Mondragon University, AEMAC and CDTI.

From TECNALIA, we address the lightening challenge through composite materials, as well as the flexibility and automation of the associated manufacturing processes to increase the competitiveness of companies from the leading industrial sectors: aeronautics, automotive, space, railway, machine-tool. The conference will be a forum to share the breakthroughs and business opportunities related to new materials.

Several conference lines are aimed at aeronautical companies, machine manufacturers, transport and the challenge of lightening vehicles.

Production costs is another of the key points that will be addressed, as it represents one of the barriers for its use, particularly in mass consumption sectors, like the automotive industry. The new manufacturing processes that do not require a curing phase in the autoclave and which reduce the manufacturing cost and time.

Visitors will also have the opportunity to meet companies participating in the conference via B2B meetings. We will provide information on them shortly.

Information on registration will be available soon.