
BDIH Deep Dive Digital Electricity Grids

Deep Dive BDIH Redes Eléctricas Digitales


21 September 2023




9:00 am - 2:30 pm



BDIH Deep Dive - Immersion days in digital technologies for the design of products for Smart Grids

The digitalisation of grids and the incorporation of new technologies is essential in the current energy transition framework. This Deep Dive will delve into the main technical data challenges currently facing the sector.

Practical demonstrations and real-time presentations of use cases and assets will provide answers to questions, such as data governance or sovereignty, transformation of data into commonly accepted models or the generation of synthetic data representative of the normal operation or failure of electrical devices in the grid.

This session is of particular interest if you:

You are part of a company linked to the electricity sector immersed in evolving its supply towards digital solutions with high added value to facilitate the transition towards a more distributed and decarbonised grid model.

Learn about the assets

Use cases

  • The session will look at applications and show solutions in different sectors, through use cases
  • Asset demonstrations
  • Hands-onsessions in which attendees will have the opportunity to see expert staff working directly with the assets.
  • There will also be time to discuss individual needs with the technical teams.

TECNALIA Research and Innovation, Building 700

Book your place!





9:00 am - 9:15 am


Welcome and context of the Basque Digital Innovation Hub (BDIH) - Your technological link to 4.0 solutions.

9:15 am - 9:30 am

9.30am Presentation

Presentation of the BDIH-Konexio, Training 4.0 Programme.

9:30 am - 10:30 am

Data and protocol laboratory/Testing tools

Test laboratory to verify the functionality and cybersecurity of Smart Grid equipment. Visit to the laboratory and demonstrations.

10:30 am - 11:00 am

Coffee Break

11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Data and technology

Data and Technology for the design of data spaces in Smart Grids. Videos and demonstrations.

12:00 pm - 12:30 pm

Electricity microgrid operating scenarios

Low voltage electricity microgrid and Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing Platform. Visit to the laboratory and demonstrations

12:30 pm - 12:45 pm


12:45 pm - 1:15 pm

Planning of individual company-node sessions

1:15 pm - 2:30 pm
