Companies are looking for new ways of generating technology-based business opportunities that help them to increase their competitive advantage. Most of the instruments that exist on the market are aimed at companies that have already been set up and have established teams; a value proposal and mitigated technological risks.
We will present Deep Tech Venture Building as an effective instrument for the development of new business opportunities based on differential technological capabilities with the potential to generate market disruptions.
This instrument helps companies to develop an ecosystem that enables them to inter-connect with the three pillars of the technology transfer process to the market: teams with a scientific-technological profile (Minds), teams with a business management profile (Management) and investors (Money). All of this through the definition of a roadmap aimed at creating value with an incremental investment scheme.
Further information
The event forms part of the “UNPRECEDENTED Webinar Series”, within the Tech Transfer Forum organised by FIRA Barcelona, which aims to shed light on the transformation challenges related to the circular economy, digitalisation and technology transfer. The purpose of these industrial dialogues is to show examples and solutions on how the sector can overcome future challenges.