BeDigital, the digitalisation of industry, key to moving forward
The new edition of Digital Talks, as part of the BeDIGITAL fair, will be attended by leading firms, such as GESTAMP, PETRONOR, IZERTIS, CAPGEMINI, IBERMATICA and INGETEAM, among others. Digital transformation appears to be the major challenge for the competitiveness of industry in the medium and long term.
Digital Talks: transforming industry
Digital Talks will provide an excellent opportunity to find out about the latest trends and technologies 4.0 in the field of digital transformation applied to industry: content of particular interest to companies using industrial equipment seeking to improve and streamline their production processes.
This Congress, in which TECNALIA forms part of the Scientific Committee along with GAIA and AFM, will be structured around three main drivers:
- Shared data spaces in industry / A.I.
- Digitalisation and automation of processes
- Industrial cybersecurity