Reflecting on smart automation and its potential
The raise in the price of raw materials, the overcapacity installed, the increasingly high energy cost and the new regulations reflect an uncertainty in the sector that needs to be addressed
17 companies and organisations directly related to the steel sector defined, specified and worked on the challenges that the sector is facing in the conference organised by TECNALIA at the end of 2019.
Once these challenges were defined and agreed upon, different working groups were set up with the aim of defining and implementing actions in order to meet said challenges.
These working groups were made up of steel manufacturers such as ACERINOX, ARCELORMITTAL, CELSA GROUP, GSW, NERVACERO, OLARRA, PRODUCTOS TUBULARES, SIDENOR, TUBACEX and TUBOS REUNIDOS; steel processors like ARATUBO, CIE AUTOMOTIVE, TATA STEEL and VICINAY, and associations such as PLATEA, SIDEREX and UNESID, along with service providers and different R&D centres.
The result of this work was the white paper of the conference which, as well as including challenges and actions, was assessed by the various experts at TECNALIA in each of the sections into which it was divided:
If you are interested in receiving the steel industry white paper write us an email to and we will send it to you free of charge.