
The challenge of decarbonising companies in Alava

Naturaleza verde, descarbonización


28 March 2023




11:30 am - 1:30 pm



Accelerating the implementation of decarbonisation strategies and processes is a challenge that positively impacts the competitiveness of companies

ENARGI and the Alava Provincial Council´s Department for the Environment are carrying out a process of reflection on the most relevant transformation factors in the process of decarbonising companies in the territory.


The implementation of decarbonisation plans and measures is a milestone to be reached in a short period of time, given that legislation and regulation, the financial system, as well as the dynamics of the value and supply chains are increasing pressure.

  • The implications and foreseeable impact of the European and financial regulatory framework in this area will be presented. The demands that organisations will face in the medium term, affecting their investment needs and bottom line will also be presented.
  • The needs, challenges and opportunities to foster the decarbonisation of the economic sectors of Alava will be addressed.

How can we help you in your decarbonisationstrategy?

  • We can help you meet the commitments and challenges associated with the decarbonisation of processes, services and business development, as a whole.
  • We will support you in making a carefully-considered and objective decision regarding the selection of the best courses of action, based on the analysis of current and developing technologies, their processes and the potential evolution of new business models.

More information: Competitive decarbonisation


Diputación Foral de Álava





11:30 am - 11:35 am

Welcome and presentation of the Conference

Josean Galera (Provincial Councillor for the Environment and Town Planning on Alava Provincial Council )

11:35 am - 11:45 am

Alava Provincial Council’s policy on climate change and the business sector in Alava

Josean Galera (Provincial Councillor for the Environment and Town Planning on Alava Provincial Council )

11:45 am - 12:00 pm

Bases for the promotion of the decarbonisation of the economic sectors in Alava

Nerea Blázquez (TECNALIA's Decarbonisation Coordinator)

12:00 pm - 12:35 pm

The decarbonisation of industry in the UK. Lessons learned and experiences.

Professor Mercedes Maroto-Valer (Heriot-Watt University, Director of the UK's Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre (IDRIC))

12:35 pm - 1:25 pm

Round table: decarbonisation and competitiveness

Liher Irízar (R&D Director, VIDRALA), • Iñaki Ochoa de Aspuru. Echavarri Plant Manager (PEPSICO), María Elisa Arroyo (ESG Director of KUTXABANK), Ricardo Vázquez (Technical Manager at MICHELIN Vitoria Plant). Moderator: Asier Maiztegi (Director of Decarbonisation Strategies at TECNALIA)

1:25 pm - 1:30 pm

Closing address

Josean Galera (Provincial Councillor for the Environment and Town Planning on Alava Provincial Council)