
The Basque Government recognises the work of four TECNALIA researchers

21 November 2018

The event took place today in Vitoria-Gasteiz, presided over by the President of the Basque Country

Yolanda De Miguel, Joshue Manuel Pérez Rastelli, Ander Ramos Murguialday and Eider Robles Sestafe have been chosen by the Basque Government, along with another 17 researchers from Technology Centres and Cooperative Research Centres in the Basque Country, to have a private meeting with the President of the Basque Country and to later take part in a public event recognising their research work

The researchers have been praised for the good work they have done, their enthusiasm and dedication, and for contributing to make their centres excellent; essentially, for promoting a better Basque Country.  

Research Recognition

TECNALIA is very proud that four of its researchers have been recognised for their research excellence and for their contribution to the social and economic development of the Basque Country.

Dr. Yolanda de Miguel: Chemistry degree and PhD in Organic Chemistry from Imperial College London. She carried out post doctoral research at Cambridge University (UK) in 1997. Her current expertise focusses on the field of nanomaterials, including nanoparticle synthesis and functionalisation, nanostructured coatings, hybrid organic and inorganic materials and photocatalysis. She has published a significant amount of research and led a total of seven doctoral theses (completed successfully). She has also developed five patents related to her research work in nanotechnology, and was involved in creating a spin-off aimed at patent exploitation. She has authored and co-authored over 100 scientific publications.

Dr. Joshué M. Pérez Rastelli: Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Simón Bolívar University, Caracas-Venezuela, 2007. Master's degree in Electronics, and PhD in Control and Automatic Systems from the Complutense University of Madrid in 2009 and 2012, respectively. He developed his doctoral thesis entitled: “Control Agents for Autonomous Vehicles in Urban and Highways Scenarios” at the CSIC (Spanish National Research Council) and the Polytechnic University of Madrid as part of the AUTOPIA group framework which the Spanish Automation Committee (CEA) awarded with the prize for the best thesis on smart control in 2012 He is an associate editor for IEEE IV, IEEE ITSC, and IEEE ICVES, as well as the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. He is also a visiting professor of Smart Systems and Automobile Standards at the University of Tours (France) and the University of Deusto. He has over 120 scientific publications related to automated driving, ADAS and cooperative manoeuvres. He is currently leading five theses at the University of the Basque Country.

Dr. Ander Ramos: he graduated in Mechanical Engineering and holds an MSc in Industrial Engineering from the Navarra University in San Sebastian. He received an MSc in Biomedical Engineering at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, finishing the degree at the John Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, in 2007. He currently leads the Neurotechnology focus group within TECNALIA's Health area. He works on creating new technologies with future potential to transfer to the medical device industrial sector, and he develops new neural interface systems as solutions to functionality problems caused by disease or accidents. He is also a post doctoral researcher and leader of the Neuroprostheses group at the Medical and Behavioural Neurobiology Institute, University of Tübingen, Germany, and Director of the TECNALIA Germany node at the same time.

Dr. Eider RoblesDegree in Electronic and Automatic Engineering from the University of Deusto and PhD from the University of the Basque Country, earning an extraordinary prize for being the best doctorate student (2009/2010). She has been an Associate Professor in the Automatic Control and Systems Engineering department at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) since 2012. She has been a Senior Researcher in Marine Energy in TECNALIA's Energy and Environment area since 2003. Her main activities focus on marine energy collector controls and offshore wind energy, coordinating the marine energy control group and taking part in research projects related to the design, control and network integration of marine and offshore wind energy collectors. She is the author of over 50 scientific publications in indexed journals and has participated in almost 50 conferences. She has co-tutored a PhD thesis and two final year projects. She has authored and co-authored over 30 scientific publications.