Laboratory service

Testing of fire spread in façades BS 8414 NFPA 285

Ensayos de propagación de fuego en fachadas_BS 8414_NFPA 285

We have a Large Scale Fire Testing Digital Laboratory for Façades, Fire Digital Laboratory, that enables fire performance assessment.

We carry out external spread, reaction and resistance to fire tests on façade systems and their components. BS 8414, NFPA 285 and CAN ULC S134.


The Fire Digital Lab is a pioneering laboratory digitally connected to the client allowing them to view the tests in progress via multi-streaming without the need to travel to our facilities. The client will be able to monitor images and test data both live and recorded via the myTecnalia digital platform.

Our methodology

  • Large-scale fire propagation test methods and main requirements:
    • BS 8414-1 y BS 8414-2 (BR 135, AS 5113)
    • NFPA 285
    • CAN ULC S134
    • ISO 13785-2 (AS 5113)
    • Ad hoc methodologies
  • Mid-scale test or screening methods:
    • ISO 13785-1
    • Ad hoc methodologies (tailored testing methods)
  • Other methodologies for façade characterisation:
    • Reaction to fire:
      • Classification system 13501-1 “Euroclasses”
        • EN 13823
        • EN ISO 11925-2
        • EN ISO 1182
        • EN ISO 1716
    • Other test methods aimed at product development (ISO 5660-1)
  • Fire resistance:
    • Classification system 13501-2
      • EN 1364-1
      • EN 1364-3
      • EN 1364-4
      • EN 1365-1
      • EN 1634-1
      • EN 1366-3
      • EN 1366-4
      • ASTM E119
  • Fire barriers according to TDG 19

You can consult the list with our accreditations.

Aimed at:

  • Manufacturers and distributors of façade systems and their components
  • Construction Companies and Developers
  • Specialised Consultants
  • Architecture Studios
  • Engineering Firms
  • Research centres
  • Business R&D Units
  • Facility Managers
  • Building managers

Certifications and Accreditations

-	Acreditación ENAC ILAC para el sector materiales según ISO 17025 con nº expediente 4/LE063,
ENAC ILAC accreditation for the materials sector in compliance with ISO 17025, under file No. 4/LE063
-	Acreditación ENAC ILAC para el sector materiales según ISO 17025 con nº expediente 4/LE063,
ENAC ILAC accreditation for the construction sector in compliance with ISO 17025, under file No. 4/LE024
-	Acreditación ENAC ILAC para el sector materiales según ISO 17025 con nº expediente 4/LE063,
ENAC ILAC accreditation for acoustics in compliance with ISO 17025, under file No. 4/LE456
Organismo Notificado Nº 1292 para el Reglamento de Productos de la Construcción
Notified Body No. 1292 for the Construction Products Directive
Organismo de Evaluación Técnica (OET) para la emisión de documentos de Evaluación Técnica Europea (ETE) para los Productos de Construcción
Technical Assessment Body (TAB) for issuing European Technical Assessments (ETAs) for Construction Products.
-	Reconocimiento CERTIFER para sector ferroviario
CERTIFER recognition for railway sector
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