
Boosting digital transformation in installation companies

7 March 2019

Guidance, accompaniment and technological support workshops

FENIE(Spanish Federation of Installation Companies) and TECNALIA promote digital transformation workshops for installation companies associated with the Federation.

FENIE is made up of 71 associations that bring together more than 15,000 companies; nearly 95,000 highly specialised workers, whose annual turnover exceeds 7,900 million Euro.

The purpose of the workshops is to provide guidance, accompaniment and technological support for their service in order to promote their digital transformation, so that it can be applied in their day-to-day work. Likewise, the three milestones to be reached are raising awareness, training and the drive to improve competitiveness with digital transformation.

These working groups are structured in three phases, which will be carried out during 2019: the sector will be objectively analysed and strengthened, in terms of its degree of digitalisation, so that it adapts to current needs.