
"Draghi Report" highlights the role of the pharmaceutical sector in Europe

19 September 2024
Informe Draghi

“Through the Pharma Lab 4.0 platform and LabSan manufacturing facility, TECNALIA helps to accelerate and optimise our customers’ pharmaceutical developments”

“Draghi’s Report” believes it is important to strengthen the pharmaceutical industry as a strategic pillar in Europe

The recent “Draghi’s Report” has recognised the pharmaceutical industry as a strategic pillar in Europe, which needs to be strengthened. This report highlights the sector’s significant contribution to research and development (R&D) and to the European Union’s (EU) trade balance, while warning of a worrying trend of Europe losing ground to other regions around the world.

The European Commission’s report outlines proposals on how Europe can regain its competitive edge, highlighting the key role of innovative industries in achieving this.

The report’s recommendations are in line with industry’s proposals to once again make Europe a benchmark for research, development and manufacturing of new diagnostics, treatments and vaccines.

Recommendations of “Draghi’s Report”

  • Maximising the impact of the European Health Data Space.
  • Simplify the organisation and management of multicentre clinical trials in the EU.
  • Accelerating the access of innovation to markets.
  • Provide clear and timely guidance on the use of artificial intelligence in the life-cycle of drugs.
  • Rapidly and fully implement the Technology Assessment Regulation.
  • Establish policies to protect new drugs (industrial property and regulatory protection).
  • Increase and concentrate public investment in R&D in the EU.
  • Mobilise private investment in R&D in the EU.
  • Develop strategic international partnerships.

Pharmaceutical development

TECNALIA offers services ranging from galenic and analytical development and stability studies to medication scale-up and manufacturing for clinical trials.