
TECNALIA develops neuroprotective foods to promote active ageing in society

26 March 2020

These ingredients will improve consumers’ quality of life

Using raw materials from the agri-food sector, we will develop foods and food supplements that will improve consumers' quality of life and offer a personalised diet.

The neuroprotective activity of ingredients developed during the project will be assessed in the prevention of cerebrovascular diseases that are prevalent in society, like strokes, which can cause disability and cognitive impairment, and lead to neurodegenerative diseases like dementia.

We are part of this research initiative, called FOOD4STROKE, together with seven agri-food companies and a company working in the healthcare sector: Indukern, S.A, leading the project; Acer Campestres S.L, Cosmos Aromática Internacional S.A, Dcoop Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza, Grupo Empresarial La Caña, S.L., Go Fruselva S.L, HT Médica and ECONATUR, as well as other research organisations like FISEVI-IBIS, IBVF and the CSIC.