
TECNALIA develops novel multi-material bonding-related solutions for lightweight vehicle structures and systems

3 November 2020

Electric car battery housings pose a technology challenge for the automotive sector

Electric vehicle battery housing is one of the technological challenges currently facing the automotive sector, and TECNALIA is currently developing novel solutions associated with multi-material bonding processes aimed at lightweighting vehicle structures and other systems expected to become increasingly important in the coming years.

We are establishing numerical and test conditions to predict the virtual behaviour of the Body in white (BIW) and the multimaterial battery housing of electric vehicles throughout their service life.

This allows us to answer the challenge of vehicle lightweighting as it relates to the behaviour of the bonds between the new lightweight materials used in car manufacturing. A virtual simulation model-associated algorithm is used to enable smart decision-making regarding material type and bond technology.

The novel aspect and technological challenge of this project lie in obtaining the material charts and bond property sheets using virtual numerical and test methods. Based on bond and material types, the algorithm can reliably predict the complex behaviour of the battery housing or BIW of electric vehicles, taking material behaviour, including long-term response to corrosion, into account, based on the multi-material bonding process used.

This is a major breakthrough, as current models are capable of looking at simple failure models associated with steel behaviour, but not complex multi-material bonds.

Further information

Partners with TECNALIA on the Multimat+ project are Autotech Engineering (Gestamp), Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa and the University of the Basque Country department of mechanical engineering.

For further information on our new vehicle lightweighting technologies, please contact