Press release

Euskadi Agenda 2030 Award recognises TECNALIA for its commitment to the SDGs

20 March 2025
Premio Euskadi Agenda 2030.

Euskadi Agenda 2030 Award recognises 60 organisations for their commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  • The presentation of the first edition of the Euskadi Agenda 2030 Award took place at the President’s Office (Vitoria-Gasteiz) today 24th February, in a ceremony presided over by the Lehendakari, Imanol Pradales
  • With a total of 10 organisations recognised with the highest level of recognition, Aurreratua, 16 with the Bidean recognition and 34 organisations with the Konpromisoa level, the event brought together all the leading organisations

Bilbao. 24 February 2025. 60 organisations of all sizes and sectors of activity have received the first awards of the Euskadi Agenda 2030 Award at the President’s Office. TECNALIA was among the organisations recognised.

This Award has been promoted by the Directorate for Social Innovation and Agenda 2030 of the General Secretariat for Communication and Social Innovation of the President’s Office, to promote and disseminate the importance of integrating the SDGs into management as an element of sustainable competitiveness and to achieve the effective commitment of organisations.

The purpose of these awards is twofold:

  • Identify the most advanced organisations so that their good management practices linked to the SDGs can serve as a stimulus and reference for others.
  • Publicly recognise the efforts made by these organisations and the degree of progress and contribution to the SDGs that they have achieved.

Obtaining such recognition requires an organisation to previously demonstrate that it has achieved a certain level of progress and results. Therefore, the EUSKALIT Foundation has developed an on-line assessment platform and provides organisations and companies with an external verification service, using the Framework for the incorporation of the SDGs in management as a reference.

The external verification is a meeting between the organisation's management team and people from the EUSKALIT SDG Assessment Club, experts in advanced management and sustainability issues, to provide an external view that helps the organisation to understand its situation and identify the main challenges in this field.

Euskadi Agenda 2030 Award Levels

Organisations that complete their full self-assessment on the on-line platform will be eligible for the basic level of recognition Konpromisoa.

Furthermore, all organisations that fulfil the established minimum requirements may receive the External Verification, which gives access to the Intermediate level of recognition, Bidean.

If the organisation exceeds a certain level in the external verification, it will achieve the Advanced level of recognition, Aurreratua.

Framework for incorporating the SDGs into the management of companies and organisations

This framework is offered as atool for reflection, diagnosis and improvement for any type of organisation wishing to focus on sustainable development through a commitment to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is aworking tool that each organisation can adapt to its own circumstances, interests and needs.

The objective is to provide a method to analyse the level of alignment of an entity's management system with the SDGs under the perspective of sustainable development. It is based on the premise that commitment to the 2030 Agenda does not consist of carrying out one-off actions indirectly related to the organisation's activity, but requires structured reflection from all areas of management.

SDG and Advanced Management Assessment Club

The SDG and Advanced Management Assessment Club is currently made up of around 80 people interested in supporting Basque organisations altruistically in these fields and, in this way, increasing and developing their knowledge and experience in SDGs and Advanced Management. They all receive specific training on the Framework and on the dynamics of external verification and evaluation, enabling them to support organisations wishing to participate in this initiative, as well as extending this knowledge to their own organisations.