
Decarbonisation and digitalisation in urban transport

2 March 2022
Descarbonización automatización y digitalización del transporte urbano

“The DIGIZITY initiative involves the integration of the value chain of one of the segments of the automotive sector: bus transport.”

The growing mass of large cities poses a challenge for sustainable mobility

TECNALIA, in collaboration with the Zaragoza City Council, AVANZA and other leading organisations in the mobility sector such as IRIZAR, JEMA, HISPACOLD, TELNET and IDNEO-FICOSA, and technological centres such as ITAINNOVA and CTAG, will work on decarbonisation, the digitalisation and automation of urban transport with zero emission buses.

The development of technologies focused on digitalisation, decarbonisation, and automation are critical to creating smart cities with high-performance mobility systems.

Bus transport

The DIGIZITY initiative involves the integration of the value chain of one of the segments of the automotive sector: bus transport. In this way, it unites manufacturers of buses, engines, shipped components and systems, telecommunications equipment and a large fleet operator.

The objectives are the use of the smart and autonomous vehicle (H2 project); the use of 5G and Wi-Fi 6 connectivity, technological infrastructures and smart cities, artificial intelligence and next generation solutions for users.

Zaragoza will be the test bench

Innovative solutions will be developed in Zaragoza, in its bus network to decarbonise, automate and digitalise urban transport, technologies aimed at improving the environment, public services and the quality of life of citizens.