We are developing technological solutions to improve safety at work
This development falls within the FET-Open initiative, which is highly innovative and at the forefront of knowledge
The regeneration of the sectioned spinal cord is one of the main challenges in the health field to foster the recovery of mobility in patients suffering from paraplegia and tetraplegia.
Therefore, we are researching the development of a biomaterial that enables this regeneration once it has been implanted. This material, made up of a decellularised matrix, is set to become the appropriate support to achieve the reconnection of neurons in the spinal cord. The base of the biomaterial, designed from graphene and proteins, will enable the affected nerves to be reconnected and regenerated.
The development of this biomaterial will be aimed at people who have suffered paraplegia or tetraplegia and have a sectioned spinal cord. The final objective is to develop an scaffold to be implanted in the sectioned area, achieving a reconnection and regeneration of the affected nerves and hence recover mobility.