
We held the fourth edition of our course, “the engineering of corrosion”

10 December 2019

Corrosion – a challenge for the industry

If we ignore the damage that corrosion can cause in industry, we could face serious financial loss and competitiveness issues.

We have held our course, “The  Engineering of Corrosion”, four times now. A total of 132 people from 77 different companies all over Spain have attended these courses.

Our course was critically and publicly acclaimed this year: all 32 spaces were booked a month in advance, and there was a waiting list of more than 20 people.

Over two busy days, attendees from companies such as Aidimme, Asebal, GE Renewable Energy, Idom, Lanik, Lointek, Mesa-Schneider, Navacel, Ormazabal, Pinturas Hempel, Repsol and Seat, to name a few, were able to study in depth the principles of the corrosion phenomenon, as well as existing techniques to prevent it and minimise its consequences.

The training was given by our own experts and by two external experts, Diana Martín, of BASF, and Víctor de Gregorio, of IR Corrosión.

This year we introduced a new feature – we carried out a theory-experimental session to study more in depth the electrochemical principles of corrosion by means of measurements in the lab.