
We test antifouling coatings for the naval sector

18 September 2024

“The DANTE device performs more realistic tests in the marine environment than simple exposure in a static area”

Coatings intended for vessels have more complex movement dynamics than other static floating structures; as they are anchored, they combine periods of navigation with other static periods

The DANTE testing device, designed at TECNALIA and located in the Port of Bilbao, is a unique solution for the developers of antifouling coatings for the naval sector: its efficiency cannot be realistically tested in the laboratory or on static displays.

DANTE (Dynamic Antifouling Testing rig) tests these coatings by alternating static periods, in which marine organisms adhere to the surface, with dynamic or navigation periods, in which the antifouling coatings should make these marine organisms detach.

In addition to the naval sector, DANTE is also testing coatings for the blades of current energy generators. In this case, in addition to the antifouling properties of the coatings, it is interesting to test the friction resistance of the paints used, given the high speeds that the ends of these blades can reach.

Antifouling coatings sector

In recent years, the sector has been facing problems due to the banning of previously used biocidal substances for environmental and ecosystem health reasons. Therefore, there is a great deal of interest in formulating new coatings capable of preventing such fouling by marine organisms, adapted to the new legislation, which is proving to be no easy feat.

DANTE has been designed, built and optimised as part of the European NEWSKIN project, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme.