25 Mar - 27 MarMATCOAM Construction Week: digital transformation of the sectorCongressUrban ecosystemMadrid
26 MarInnovation in the construction industry: Industrialisation and automationConferenceUrban ecosystemDerio
2 Apr - 4 AprEco-design and the circular economy in Southern EuropeCongress and trade showCircular economyIrún
7 Apr - 9 AprThe keys to the energy sector at Middle East Energy Dubai 2025FeriaEnergy transitionDubai
10 AprInnovation and efficiency: the power of human-robot collaborationWebinarDigital transformationOn-line
23 Apr - 25 AprREBUILD 2025: anticipating the construction of the futureCongress and trade showUrban ecosystemMadrid
21 May - 22 MayWorld Hydrogen Summit 2025: technological innovation for hydrogen developmentFeriaEnergy transitionRotterdam