Scope of action

Energy transition

Tecnalia - Transición energética

We develop solutions for a competitive generation of renewable energy and for CO2-free mobility. Our experience in smart networks, energy storage (including hydrogen), digital technologies, energy efficiency, and advanced materials supports their own deployment. We support the industry decarbonisation, and the planning/design of energy-efficient, sustainable, comfortable, and resilient urban environments.

Achieving climate neutrality by 2050 involves the in-depth decarbonisation of energy with a 100% renewable electric system. This unprecedented challenge requires massive inclusion of renewable energies, an increase in energy efficiency in buildings, cities, and the industry, the electrification of transport, the replacement of fossil fuels with green energy, and the deployment of smart networks by facilitating advanced management of energy generation, storage, and distribution.

In this context, we collaborate with the industry and institutions to develop low-carbon energy solutions by integrating the ideal technologies required for each application. We seek to align business transformation with the change of the energy model by developing new technology-based opportunities created in areas such as:


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Technological solutions for a decarbonised, decentralised and digitalised energy system brochure

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