TECNALIA is participating in the Biocircular Summit, the first forum in Spain to address biocircularity sub-sectors
TECNALIA is participating in the 1st BioCircular Summit, the first forum in Spain to address the biocircularity sub-sectors as a whole: bioenergy, biofuels and eFuels, renewable gases, bioproducts and biorefineries. The summit has been organised by BIOCIRC and BIOPLAT.
We will be present in the exhibition area of the congress, a space dedicated to networking and for entities and companies to exhibit their results, projects, work and solutions related to biocircularity. There will also be a space for innovation with Biocircular Innovation, showcasing the latest scientific-technical and industrial advances, promoting innovative solutions that drive the competitiveness and industrialisation of the sector in our territories.
This event will bring together experts, managers, technicians and representatives of public administrations to analyse the biocircularity value chain, from the supply of biomass raw materials, its compliance with sustainability, business models or the latest innovation in technologies or processes. It will provide the regulatory, political, strategic and business keys of a major sector for the de-pollution of the economy, re-industrialisation, territorial structuring, energy independence and addressing the demographic challenge with biocircularity as the common axis.
Boosting the bioeconomy
At TECNALIA, we promote the bioeconomy and the recovery of CO2 through innovative solutions. We develop advanced biofuels, such as biomethane, SAF and methanol, transforming CO2 and biomass waste through process intensification.
We are also working on the development of biocomposites from lignocellulosic resources, biosustainable coatings, advanced lignocellulosic fibres (microfibres, nanofibres and cellulose insulation) and bioretardants for diverse applications, such as construction, packaging, furniture, paper and the chemical industry.
We also specialise in the purification of water and the treatment and recovery of liquid waste, actively contributing to the creation of a sustainable and circular future.