
Conference on Energy Rehabilitation in residential buildings, Nearly Zero energy Neighbourhoods


19 October 2017


Euskalduna Conference Center, Room B Terrace, Abandoibarra, 4, Bilbao, Spain





Reducing energy consumption in existing buildings and neighbourhoods is already a reality.

ZenN Final Project Conference will present the project results and achievements in nZEB Renovation; Barriers, key success factors and guidelines, as well as potentials for future replicability and local energy retrofitting replication plans.

At the end of the conference we will visit the Mogel district in Eibar whose renovation is an example of how a Neighbourhood Association as promoter and stimulator of the project, working in collaboration with the Public Administrations as facilitators, has made possible the rehabilitation of the neighbourhood.


Time Topic
09.00 Registration of attendees
09.30 Welcome
 Ignacio de la Puerta, Environment, Territorial Planning and Housing. Basque Government
09.45 ZenN project presentation
Francisco Rodriguez, TECNALIA
10.00 EU support opportunities (TBD)
European Commission, Project Officer
10.30 Coffee Break
11.00 Challenges and results
Demonstrator presentations: Oslo, Malmö, Eibar & Grenoble
Monitoring Results
Socio-economical aspects
Training & Replication
12.30 Presentation of Smart Cities and Communities lighthouse projects 
12.45 Experts Round Table – “Challenges for Zero Energy Retrofitting in Europe” 
Chaired by Francisco Rodríguez, TECNALIA
13.30 Lunch Break
14.30 Visit to Demosite (Eibar)*
*Buses will depart from the Euskalduna Conference Centre 

18.30 Conference close
Buses will return to the the Euskalduna Conference Centre

The research leading to these results has received funding from the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 314363.