
Decarbonisation: A global view from the industry



29 November 2023


Alfonso Martín Escudero Auditorio Foundation - Avda de Brasil 30 Posterior. 28020 (Madrid)


9:30 am - 1:45 pm



The Spanish Technology Platform for the Decarbonisation of Industrial Sectors GREEN FUTURE PLAT organises the conference "Decarbonisation: A global view from the industry."

The event will be opened by the Special Commissioner for the PERTE for Industrial Decarbonisation.

During the conference, the CDTI will provide information on existing R&D&I opportunities in the field of decarbonisation.

This will be followed by two round tables: One technological and one non-technological.

  • The first round table will highlight the collaboration needs of the supplier-engineering-customer-new technologies value chain. Representatives from Repsol, Técnicas Reunidas, Prematécnica, and TECNALIA will be present. Our colleague Asier Maiztegi, Head of TECNALIA's Business Development for the Decarbonisation of the Economy, will be participating.
  • The second round table will analyse the instruments needed for the decarbonisation strategy to promote the modernisation of Spanish companies, with speakers from CESCE, BANKINTER, AMPO, and NAVANTIA.

At the end of the day, a Spanish wine will be offered.

More information on the programme "Decarbonisation: a global view from the industry."

Alfonso Martín Escudero Auditorio Foundation - Avda de Brasil 30 Posterior. 28020 (Madrid)

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