
Digital Product Passport: How to deal with change

Pasaporte_ Digital


3 October 2024


ADEGI Headquarters, Paseo Mikeletegi 52


9:30 am - 11:00 am

The Digital Product Passport will affect the marketing of products within the European Union.

The DPP is a new requirement for products that have a significant environmental impact such as steel, textiles, construction, vehicles, electric batteries, tyres, packaging and chemicals.

  • The Digital Product Passport aims to improve the traceability of products throughout their life cycle and value chain, complementing the information in manuals and labels.
  • A gradual roll-out of the DPP is expected in the electronics and textile sectors during 2024-25, with full operationalisation planned for 2026.

Digital Product Passport

  • TECNALIA experts will explain how to manage the DPP efficiently and its integration into the daily operations of companies.
  • Practical examples of implementation will be shared.
  • Key issues such as sustainability and social corporate responsibility will be discussed.
  • The conference will examine how the DPP can enhance corporate reputation and ensure compliance with European regulations.
  • Shared data spaces (DS) will also be a topic of discussion, highlighting how these socio-technical environments enable shared use of data while maintaining sovereignty over it, which is essential to a secure and regulated digital ecosystem.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of innovation and sustainability in your sector!

*This session is organised by ADEGI

ADEGI Headquarters, Paseo Mikeletegi 52, San Sebastian

Book your place!





9:30 am - 9:45 am


Óscar Lage, Head of Cybersecurity and Blockchain, TECNALIA

9:45 am - 10:00 am

What is the Digital Product Passport, how does it work, and what are its benefits for citizens and businesses?

Ekain Cagigal - Senior researcher and project manager, TECNALIA

10:00 am - 10:15 am

Innovative digitalisation for the Digital Product Passport

Iván Gutiérrez - Blockchain for business and data spaces solutions architect, TECNALIA

10:15 am - 10:30 am

Shared data space: a technical response to the implementation of the digital product passport

Javier Herrera - Business Development - eServices, TECNALIA

10:30 am - 10:45 am

Digital Product Passport as a tool to measure product sustainability and circularity

Jorge Arnal - Senior researcher and project manager, TECNALIA

10:45 am - 11:00 am

DPP as an eco-innovation instrument for sustainable industry Presentation of case studies

Paula Morella Avinzano, Gabriel Aznar - Smart Industry || Industry of Things, TECNALIA