
Digital twins for operation and maintenance


3 June 2020







Industry 4.0 can be defined basically as a series of interconnected assets and systems making up a smart network that covers the entire value chain. TECNALIA's view of maintenance includes the development of solutions so that the assets are able to react when there are unexpected changes, predict failures, adapt and start up maintenance work.

  • Some of these changes are black swans, which are unexpected and unpredictable events that can have catastrophic consequences. They are characterised by their retrospective predictability, that is, we can only explain why they happened after they happen.
  • In order to manage this changing environment optimally, we need a tool that enables us to gather all the company's data in one place, and manage it using artificial intelligence techniques. This tool is called digital twin: with a hybrid approach, digital twins collect data about the operation, physics of the failure and operational contexts to offer the following services:
  • Diagnosis/Descriptive Analysis – to view and understand failures (what happened, why it happened)
  • Predictive Analysis – to predict when the next failure or event is going to take place
  • Prescriptive Analysis – to show the impact of maintenance on the asset health and on production, and to help with decision-making

Thanks to digital twins, industrial AI is moving towards cognitive analysis. By incorporating several sources of information, it learns autonomously from past actions, finds correlations and offers prescriptions in order to optimise maintenance and ensure that the assets are available.          


  • Overview of Maintenance 4.0
  • Black Swans.
  • The Swan Song.
  • Digital twins and IT/OT/ET convergence.


  • Designers and manufacturers of capital goods.
  • Continuous process companies with production chains.
  • Companies providing maintenance services.
  • People interested in maintenance servitisation.


Dr Diego Galar. Operations and Maintenance Professor at Luleå University of Technology of Sweden, and principal researcher at TECNALIA, where he leads the Maintenance TRT (Technologically Relevant Team).