
KATEA: embrace the digitalisation of the future

KATEA: anticípate a la digitalización del futuro


19 September 2024


Torre Iberdrola, floor 29 Plaza Euskadi 5 (Bilbao)


9:00 am - 2:30 pm



KATEA: embrace the digitalisation of the future

Technology is transforming the way businesses operate and develop. Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

  • We will explore topics such as the problems solved by the new KATEA technology platforms, the security of communications and the Quantum Internet, and operationalising AI through advanced hardware and efficient models.
  • We will also discuss how images can digitally transform a company.
  • We will conclude with a panel discussion on supercomputing for analytics and data.

Technology industry experts and leaders such as Arista, Dell Technologies, Nvidia and Red Hat will gather to share their insights and experiences on how to make the most of the latest digital trends to accelerate business growth.

What can you expect from this event?

  • Learn about the latest innovations in technology and how to use them in your company.
  • Learn from experts and leaders in the technology industry how to anticipate the needs of your business.
  • Discover how KATEA technology platforms can help boost your business.
  • Connect with other professionals in a dynamic networking environment.

Aimed at:

  • CEOs, CIOs, and other senior management representatives
  • Public Administrations and Government
  • Entrepreneurs looking to boost their business with the latest technologies

Sign up now and embrace the digitalisation of the future

  • Book your place at this exclusive event as soon as possible: places are limited.
  • It is held in the special area on the top floor of the Iberdrola Tower.

dell intel en el evento katea de tecnalia

Torre Iberdrola, floor 29 Plaza Euskadi 5 (Bilbao)

Book your place!





9:00 am - 9:30 am

Welcome and registration

9:30 am - 9:45 am


TECNALIA, Arista, Dell, Red Hat and Nvidia

9:45 am - 10:15 am

Keynote speaker

Mariona Sanz Ausàs, Head of Innovation and Business development

10:15 am - 10:35 am

KATEA: three links in a big chain

Joseba Laka, Digital Director, TECNALIA; and Oscar Lage, Head of Cybersecurity, TECNALIA

10:35 am - 10:50 am

QKD: Communications security and the future of Quantum Internet

Jon De Isusi, Digital Base, TECNALIA; Oscar Lage, Head of Cybersecurity, TECNALIA; together with Arista

10:50 am - 11:30 am

Coffee break

11:30 am - 12:15 am

AI innovation and deployment: from research to implementation


State-of-the-art hardware and knowledge for operationalising AI

Diana Manjarres, Core IA Team Leader, TECNALIA; and Juan Meca, Sales Manager, Dell Technologies


Efficient Implementation of AI Models

Ana Isabel Torre, High Performance Architectures Team Leader, TECNALIA; and Alberto Torres, Business Development Manager, RedHat

12:15 am - 12:35 am

JISAP: Digitally transforming a company through images

Artzai Picón, Head of Computer Vision and Visual Interaction, TECNALIA; and Javier Pemán, Head of Corporate Business, Nvidia in Spain

12:35 pm - 1:30 pm

Round Table: Supercomputing for Analytics and Data

Arista, Dell, Red Hat and Nvidia. Moderated by TECNALIA.

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Lunch - Networking