
Local tools to address urban overheating

Sobrecalentamiento urbano


5 March 2025




10:00 am - 12:00 pm



We will present local tools to address urban overheating in the context of climate change

Designing cities and territories that are better adapted to heat stress is a priority in light of future climate change scenarios In this webinar, we will explore tools to assess risks, enabling adaptation strategies to be designed, as well as informed decisions to be made in order to select the best solutions and evaluate their effectiveness.

Guest speakers from various cities will showcase their experiences in this area, presenting tools and complementary approaches.

Provisional programme

10am - 10.15am: Welcome and Contextualisation. Patricia Molina/Efren Feliu.

10.15am - 10.45am: Diagnosing the challenge: possible approaches, applications and work experiences.

10.45am - 11.00am: Metimeter on the methodologies considered to be the most useful.

11.00am - 11.30am: Experiences in Granollers and Bilbao (15 min each).

11.30am - 12.00pm: Questions, Conclusions and Metimeter.


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