
MathWorks Industry Day: development methodologies

Mathworks Industry Day


2 October 2024


Auditorium Hall - Orona Fundazioa


9:30 am - 4:30 pm



Technology centres present success stories and best practices to support their strategic R&D initiatives related to sustainable mobility, cleaner energy, smart and connected industry and artificial intelligence.

The third edition of MathWorks Industry Day with BRTA technology centres is an event that is not to be missed for knowledge exchange, dissemination and the pooling of success stories in the use of product and process development methodologies that save time and resources and increase quality.

The aim is to serve as inspiration for the technology centres and the business community attending the event.

MathWorks Industry Day Agenda

  • Inspiring talks by representatives of the Technology Centres based on real projects transferred to industry: innovative ideas and practical solutions are put forward.
  • Round table in which experts will share their knowledge and experience of managing the complexity created by the exponential growth of embedded software and other challenges in the technological field.
  • Take advantage of networking moments during the breaks to exchange experiences and connect with other attendees.

Auditorium Hall - Orona Fundazioa / Hernani (Gipuzkoa)

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