
Open Innovation Seminar


6 February 2018


FUNDACIÓN PONS - C/ Serrano, 138 – Madrid





In a scenario of growth and profound change marked by internationalisation, we consider that Open Innovation projects offer a solution to the challenges that SMEs face in Technology, Product and Business Model in order to improve their competitiveness.

Time Topic
09:15 Welcome. Hilario Alfaro. President of Madrid Business Forum.
09:30 Open Innovation Agenda. Fernando González. President of Conitec.
09:45 IPR in Open Innovation Systems. Ana Gómez Arche. Consultancy Director at Pons IP.
10:00 Success stories:
► Open Innovation in Tecnalia. Alberto Silleras de Antonio. TECNALIA Director in Madrid.
► Imdea Energía.
► Open Ecosystems. Francisco Hortigüela Martos. Communication, Corporate Citizenship and Institutional Relations Director at Samsung.
11:45 HTowards an ecosystem of innovative SMEs. Begoña Cristeto. General Secretary for Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises. Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness