
Showcasing industrial multi-sectorial applications of pilot infrastructures for the development of new nano-enabled materials and components


14 March 2018


BEC, Bilbao





After the very successful first “Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials Pilot Projects Test-beds for industry and private investments” session last March during Nanospain2017, it is our pleasure to invite you to a second pilot project-related event in the Basque Region.
On this occasion, we would like to focus this session (within the Industrial Forum of Imagine Nano 2018) on the results achieved or expected, which may be of interest to Industry.

Hence, a variety of multi-sectorial applications of some of the pilot infrastructures will be showcased and will demonstrate the power of nanotechnology and advanced material devel-opment and upscaling in helping Industry innovate.

The Basque Country has a remarkable track record in terms of regional public investments in industrial nanotechnology and advanced materials research as well as in the participation in EU (H2020)-funded pilot projects. For this reason, the first part of the session will showcase some of the activities from the Basque region, while the second part will showcase other activ-ities within the EU.
This session will bring together:

  • Industry: From large companies to SMEs and start-ups.
  • Private investors.
  • Coordinators, exploitation leaders, pilot line developers and key industrial partners from running Horizon 2020 pilot projects and FP7 pilot projects.
  • Delegates from technology centres and other relevant key stakeholders.
  • Regional representatives. 
09:00-09:15 Registration
09:15-9:25 Official Welcome:
Amaia Martinez, SPRI
Bojan Boskovic, CNT & EPPN
Yolanda de Miguel, TECNALIA
09:25-9:45 Introduction to the Showcasing session and to pilot-related activities at TECNALIA
Sonia Florez, TECNALIA
09:45-10:15 PLATFORM: Safe-by-design framework for the development of new pilot lines for the manufacture of carbon nanotube-based nano-enabled products for automotive and aeronautics
Jesús López de Ipiña, TECNALIA
Industry 4.0 concept for nano-enabled products manufacturing pilot plants for automotive and aeronautics
Angel Hernan, SISTEPLANT
10:15-10:45 IZADI-NANO2INDUSTRY: Pilots for industrial production of nanomaterial enabled improved performed products for automotive, construction and agricultural machinery sectors
Cristina Elizetxea, TECNALIA
ESTCRATCH PILOT: Example for automotive sector
Mario Ordoñez, MTC, Maier Technology Center
10:45-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-11:45 Business model of the pilot production network: Example of NANOLEAP
Bojan Boskovic, Cambridge Nanomaterials Technology
11:45-11:15 Pilot lines for large-area printing of electronic and photonic devices for automotive, medical and other strategic industrial sectors
Simon Perraud, CEA
12:15-12:45 HYPROD: Advanced functionalization of smart lightweight composites for automotive and aeronautics
Sandrine Lebigre, Responsable de Programas de I+D (IPC)
14:45-13:00 Round table discussion and closing remarks