SocKETs Guide: A guide to engaging citizens in emerging technology
This event will present the SocKETs Guide, designed to encourage the involvement of companies in processes for the development and implementation of KETs such as AI.
- This guide is also useful for other stakeholders who want to carry out these processes, such as public administrations, universities, associations and other types of institutions and groups working with technology and innovation.
Key Enabling Technologies or KETs
As digitalisation makes its way into industry, emerging technology and disruptive innovations have an impact on society and citizens in different ways – sometimes unexpected, and sometimes causing risks, problems or controversy.
This is the case of the Key Enabling Technologies or KETs, which are promoted by the European Commission through the Framework Programme for Research: these include artificial intelligence photonics and advanced manufacturing, for example.
Citizenship at the heart of emerging technology
The need to reorientate technological development and innovation towards the needs that arise with social challenges such as climate change and ageing, and the new Sustainable Development Goals promoted by the United Nations, require greater citizen involvement in technological development and current innovation processes.