
StepUp Startups; turning research into innovation

Asier Rufino


4 July 2024



10:00 am - 12:30 pm



Asier Rufino, Director of TECNALIA Ventures, will be participating in StepUp StartUps "From Campus to Commerce - Turning Research into Innovation"

Asier Rufino, Director of TECNALIA Ventures, our Deep Tech Venture Builder, will be participating in the upcoming StepUp StartUps to be held on-line on Thursday 4th July. This initiative is funded by the European Commission with the aim of accelerating the growth and impact of Europe's start-up ecosystem.  

From Campus to Commerce - Turning Research into Innovation is a workshop in which challenges will be identified and specific solutions proposed to foster the generation of new technology-based companies driven by a third party, also known as spin-offs. 

The event, organised by Startup Europe Regions Network (SERN), a European network of regional actors committed to the development of a culture of social and economic innovation, will be interactive and will include various actors from the spin-off ecosystem: universities, TTOs, industry associations, investors and founders. 

During the session, different activities will be developed, such as: 

  • Presentation of the third From Campus to Commerce: A Painless Spin-off Journey from Academia in Europe policy report. 
  • Identification of the first barriers to success in the generation of spin-offs. 
  • Presentation of success stories by founders of spin-offs. 
  • Discussion on solutions and policy recommendations to create thrivingspin-off ecosystems. 

TECNALIA Ventures at StepUp StartUps

In addition to talking about TECNALIA Ventures, Asier Rufino will present the success story of H2SITE, one of TECNALIA's Deep Tech start-ups that produces renewable H2 in situ for small and medium-sized companies.

H2SITE boasts exclusive membrane reactor and separator technology for the conversion of different raw materials, such as ammonia, methanol or syngas into hydrogen, as well as the separation of hydrogen from low-concentration gas mixtures.





10:00 am - 10:05 am


Celia García Anzano | Barrabés & Giorgio Alessandro | Startup Europe Regions Network

10:05 am - 10:15 am

Data Insights: The European Spin-offs & Tech Transfer Landscape

10:15 am - 10:50 am

Interactive sessions: key factors, barriers and challenges for successful spin-off generation in the EU-27

Moderator: Arian Rosales | Barrabés

10:50 am - 11:30 am

Case studies

11:50 am - 12:25 pm

Interactive session

Moderator: Arian Rosales | Barrabés

12:25 pm - 12:30 pm

Summary of key findings and upcoming events

Giorgio Alessandro | Startup Europe Regions Network