The European chemical industry is facing a new revolution. New concepts such as sustainability and circularity are indispensable in order to overcome current limitations: product and process life cycle linearity, resource constraints, greenhouse gases and pollution, and the need for decarbonization, among others.
For this, biomass and biological feedstocks are projected to play a very important role in the upcoming future since they will be transformed into bio-based chemicals, new products and energy, replacing their fossil-based versions.
- Successful initiatives about the development of biobased industries across Europe will be presented.
- New opportunities to transform the production models according to the new economic and societal needs will be identified.
- Opportunities related to the manufacture of high value-added raw materials from renewable sources or by-products will be presented, by developing fully recycled and recyclable packaging materials, by developing bio-based materials for vehicle manufacturing, and by breaking down barriers to boost the commercialisation of bio-based products.
Further information
- The language for this webinar will be the English