Underwater drone competition and demonstration
The underwater Hackathon aims to bring part of science closer to future professionals in a playful environment, following research projects in the marine renewable energy sector.
The event, which is open to the general public, will include children's workshops, an underwater obstacle course, a gymkhana, as well as an area with scientific stands and demonstrations of the TECNALIA ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle).
The role of underwater robots
Underwater robots can play an essential role in the deployment of marine renewable energies. These robots have several applications:
- They can be used in the planning of offshore renewable energy farms. During the design stage of the project, they assist in the characterisation of the seabed for the selection of anchor zones in rock drilling.
- They are also very useful in the maintenance of offshore farms. For example, in the periodic inspection of submerged structures to check their integrity. In the inspection of the sedimentary bed after exceptional climatic events, such as flooding or major storms. They can also be used to remove biofouling from submerged structures.
To this end, there are still many challenges to be met. Some of them are being addressed in the URPEKARI project.
More information on registration
Groups wishing to take part in the competition must register in advance and bring their ROV, if they have already built one.
- The children's workshops will have limited capacity.
- If you are a teacher and you are interested in the Hackathon for your students, but they have not participated in the previous workshops, please contact us at the following address: info@jrl-ore.com
- Consult full information here.