
We exhibit at Enlit Europe 2024, the largest fair in the energy sector

Feria ENLIT 2023


22 October 2024 - 24 October 2024


Milan - Italy





what will TECNALIA showcase at ENLIT 2024?

TECNALIA will once again be exhibiting at ENLIT Europe, a key event for the energy sector: focused on the utilities sector. Products and services related to digitalisation, grid optimisation, customer management, big data, transmission, distribution, metering systems, monitoring and all kinds of solutions related to these areas will be presented.

  • Tools and test platforms related to different communication protocols used in the smart metering and automation of smart grids.
  • Protocol certification: PRIME, IEC 62056: DLMS, IEC 61850, functionalities assessment, interoperability, set testing and IEC 62443 cybersecurity (smart meters, data concentrators, RTUs, Protection Relays, UCS, Gateways...).
  • Customised testing services. Experience in EMC, radio, MID Directive, communications and data protocols.
  • Technical consultancy to establish requirements and procedure for testing and deployment of meters, AMI system and digitalisation of smart grids.
  • Technical consultancy to support the establishment and set-up of laboratories
  • R&D&I activities and projects for utilities and electrical equipment manufacturers:
    • analysis, modelling and simulation of electrical systems
    • applications to optimise energy planning, operation, maintenance and management in electricity grids
    • cyber-secure electronic product and solutions for power grids
    • tools and power converters for grid integration of distributed energy resources

Visit us at Stand 7.F10

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Milan - Italy

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