
Webinar: "Factory of the Future": Health Technology



27 June 2024




10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Industry 4.0 revolutionises healthcare technology

On 27 June TECNALIA is taking part in a webinar called “Factory of the Future”, organised by the innovation area of FENIN (Spanish Federation of Healthcare Technology Companies).

A session exploring how Industry 4.0. and emerging technologies are revolutionising healthcare technology.

Goals of “Factory of the Future”

  • Understand the principles of Industry 4.0. and its impact on the sector.
  • Discover the latest technologies that are transforming medical device manufacturing.
  • Learn how companies in the healthcare technology sector are implementing the “Factory of the Future” to improve their operations.
  • Identify challenges and opportunities around the adoption of Industry 4.0.

Topics and speakers

  • Medical devices and AI applied to the production chain. Promoting the industrialisation of medical devices. Case studies. Laia Garriga Más, Eurecat - Technology Centre.
  • The Conscious Factory: human-centric and integrated into the Open Innovation Ecosystem. Case studies. Hugo Martínez de Lahidalga, TECNALIA Research & Innovation.
  • Conceptualising medical devices from a production service perspective. Case studies. Ivan Arriola Aldamiz, Tekniker.
  • Mass personalised solutions using additive manufacturing. Case studies. Xavier Tutó, Leitat Technological Centre.



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