
Workshop: BIM technology present and future. Presentation of the BIM library


21 March 2018


Bilbao Exhibition Centre. Ronda de Azkue 1 - Barakaldo





Today, the construction sector is committed to digitalisation. This digital transformation has been possible, fundamentally, due to the implementation of BIM (Building Information Modelling) .

At this workshop we will learn about BIM technology, its use in the development of building projects, as well as its present and future prospects.

Thanks to this technology, the cost and time of execution of the work is reduced, thus increasing its quality and safety. 
It is a virtual three-dimensional model that links databases, enabling the production and storage of all the information required to operate in the different phases of the construction life cycle: Design, Construction and Operation. 

During the workshop, attendees will experience an immersive BIM at a virtual reality stand and in other three ones with 360º glasses to interact in the new Dicona building project that Saltoki is developing with BIM methodology.

Don’t miss this opportunity!

Capacity is limited, so it is essential that you confirm attendance for this free workshop.

Confirm attendance


Time Topic
11:30 Welcome
12:00 Workshop Presentation: BIM General Vision
Miguel Angel Maiza, Engineering Director at SALTOKI
12:15 Master Class: "BIM technology. Application for the development of building projects. Present and future."
Razvan Gheorghiu, founding Partner in A3D Consulting Integrated BIM Solutions, SL and partner of SALTOKI in the development of BIM articles
12:45 The future of buildings and cities: BIM as a key technology for innovation”
► Mikel Barrado, Head of Market and Business for Smart Buildings & Cities area at TECNALIA
13:00 "Towards modelling entire facilities at BIM"
Ricardo Orbara, Head of Prescription and Coordinator of the BIM project at SALTOKI
13:15 Discussion
13:30 Lunch