
Hydrogen: Technological solutions for your entire value chain

soluciones de tecnalia para la cadena de valor de hidrogeno


Credentials and valuable data on TECNALIA and hydrogen

  • We are involved in a large number of Basque Hydrogen Corridor (BH2C) projects at different stages of the hydrogen value chain. We have also played a leading role in the development of its Technology Roadmap.
  • We are members of the executive committee of the Spanish Hydrogen Association (AeH2), for whom we have managed the creation of the Spanish Hydrogen Agenda.
  • Ekain Fernández is the coordinator of the Hydrogen Distribution Technical Committee, which is part of the Executive Committee of the Hydrogen Europe Research Association.
  • We are also members of the executive committee of the EERA – European Energy Research Alliance and we take part in 12 of 18 Joint Programmes, including Fuel Cells and Hydrogen.
  • We have created the company H2SITE which offers solutions for on-site production of high-quality hydrogen. These solutions can harness flows and streams of renewable origin, such as biogas, bioethanol and biomethanol, to produce green hydrogen.

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Hydrogen Technologies

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Hydrogen compatibility of materials

Hydrogen compatibility of materials

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TECNALIA’s Hydrogen Success Stories
Development of advanced technologies for hydrogen production, storage and distribution, and its industrial transfer for the new hydrogen age in Spain (H24NewAge)
Technologies to boost the hydrogen economy in the Basque Country (H2Basque). Development of three green hydrogen prototypes based on AEM electrolysis, PEM electrolysis and thermochemical cycle technologies.
Durable and sustainable component supply chain for fuel cells and high performance electrolysers (SUSTAINCELL). Development of key components for fuel cells and electrolysers: electrodes for alkaline and AEM electrolysers, and recycling of their critical materials.
Advanced membrane reactor for small and medium scale on-site production of pure hydrogen (H2SITE spin-off). It combines reaction and separation in a single step. It significantly reduces the energy needs of the generation process, as well as the cost. On-site generation avoids compression and transport processes
Membranes and catalysts to break down economic and technological barriers (MACBETH). Highly efficient catalytic membrane reactor (CMR) for advanced downstream processing combining catalytic synthesis with the separation units in a single reactor. The new reactor ensures substantially smaller and safer production plants and reduces operating and investment costs
Membrane-based biogas reforming for decentralised hydrogen production (BIONICO): Construction and demonstration, in a relevant industrial environment (biogas production plant), of a new reactor concept integrating H2 production and separation. Direct conversion of biogas to pure hydrogen in a single step
Casos de éxito de distribución-H2SAREA
Development of advanced technological solutions to distribute hydrogen safely in the natural gas network (H2SAREA): Development of new products/prototypes: Fasteners, compressors, H2/CH4 separation system, burners for burning H2-NG mixture and 100% H2 fuel in condensing boilers, and sensors for monitoring H2 and its blending with natural gas
Casos Éxito Distribución-HYGRID
Flexible hybrid separation system for hydrogen recovery from natural gas networks (HYGRID). Design, scaling and demonstration, in relevant industrial conditions, of novel membrane-based hybrid technology for the direct separation of hydrogen from natural gas networks. Hydrogen separation through a combination of membranes, electrochemical separation and TSA (temperature swing adsorption) which lowers the overall cost of hydrogen recovery
Casos Éxito Distribución-ARENHA
Advanced Materials and Reactors for Energy Storage through Ammonia (ARENHA). Innovative technologies for the power-to-ammonia-to-usage value chain. Ammonia is an excellent energy carrier due to its high energy density, carbon-free composition, widespread use in industry, and relative ease of storage
Casos Éxito-02-Distribución-04-EKARRIH2
Key technologies for hydrogen transport using liquid carriers (EKARRIH2). Development of advanced liquid H2 carriers, hydrogenation and dehydrogenation technologies that allow large quantities of hydrogen to be transported over long distances in a cost competitive and environmentally sustainable way
Industrial research for transport and logistics of hydrogen produced in offshore wind farms (HYSHORE). Technological solutions in the fields of materials, components, systems and their manufacturing processes linked to various technological problems existing in this field
Simulation-based platform for advanced and dynamic leakage management in the hydrogen industry (H2LEAK). It includes advanced simulations of hydrogen diffusion and flammability, digital twins to locate the potential leakage point. It provides dynamic recommendations based on the self-protection plan
Development of industrial burners and furnaces using hydrogen as fuel (H2HORNOS): Development of two industrial burners (0.15 and 1.5 MW) and pilot plant validation for industrial use of H2 as a total or partial substitute fuel for natural gas
Climate neutrality in the steel industry based on new technologies and processes with intensive application of hydrogen (H-ACERO): Development of advanced equipment, consumables such as refractory materials, the fuel source (H2) and the production process itself
Research applied to sustainable river urban mobility systems based on hydrogen energy (H2OCEAN): New generation of sustainable vessels based on green hydrogen propulsion. Progress is also being made in the digitalisation and optimisation of maritime transport assets
Zero Residual Heat Ship (ZENITH): Deployment of green hydrogen as a future energy vector in the naval sector for the decarbonisation of the sector. Use of hydrogen both in its pure state and as a carrier such as ammonia or bioalcohols
Hydrogen-based technological solutions for sustainable smart mobility of autonomous heavy vehicle fleets (SHINE-FLEET). Development of smart hydrogen refuelling systems and innovative zero-emission hydrogen-based propulsion systems for heavy-duty trucks
Zero-emission city bus with fuel cell-based propulsion system (DIGIZITY). IRIZAR’s 18-metre articulated city bus, powered by hydrogen cell and batteries
Hydrogen production

We develop solutions for large-scale, cost-competitive production of green hydrogen using renewable energies. We aim to improve technology to produce hydrogen from the hydrolysis of water or from biomass, biogas, ethanol, ammonia, among others.

  • Electrolysis technologies:
    • Conventional alkaline
    • PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane)
    • AEM (Anion Exchange Membrane)
    • SOEC (solid oxide, high temperature)
  • Membrane reactor technology for hydrogen production through reforming/decomposition of biogas, ammonia, alcohols (methanol, etc.)
soluciones de tecnalia en produccion de hidrogeno verde

In the field of membrane reactors for high purity hydrogen production, the H2SITE company was set up between TECNALIA, the University of Eindhoven and the French multinational Engie. H2SITE is a company based in the Basque Country that focuses on the development of distributed generation of high-purity hydrogen based on membrane reactor technology. H2SITE enables decentralised hydrogen production.


We are involved in the adaptation of hydrogen transport infrastructure to distribute hydrogen from its production to the point of use, ensuring that its supply reaches all consumers, e.g. by transporting hydrogen through existing gas networks . In this field, we study the behaviour of materials in contact with hydrogen in order to avoid hydrogen embrittlement, and we work on membrane-based hydrogen separation to allow its final use.

We also support the development of materials and products that facilitate hydrogen storage and transport: tanks and pressure vessels, pipelines, valves, etc. It is essential to understand and know the effects of hydrogen on mechanical properties, in order to prevent and minimise the risk of failure in the infrastructure involved: pipes, tanks, compressors, etc.

We also work with various technologies (membrane reactors, millichannel reactors, etc.) to produce new energy resources (ammonia, dimethyl ether, formic acid, methanol, etc.), liquid carriers that allow H2 to be transported under operating conditions of pressure and temperature closer to environmental conditions, which means easier storage and transport and greater safety.

Uses of hydrogen

Our aim is to adapt processes and systems so that hydrogen can be used in both mobility and industrial processes.

Use of hydrogen in transport: Use of hydrogen as a fuel for heavy-duty vehicles. It provides a long range and has a short refuelling time. Our applications include hydrogen trains, trucks and buses, as well as ships.

Use of hydrogen in industry. Both as a raw material for the chemical industry and to decarbonise industrial sectors that are difficult to electrify (steel industry, steelworks, refineries, cement plants, etc.). We work to adapt industrial processes so that they can use hydrogen.

soluciones de tecnalia para el uso de hidrogeno
Transversal technologies
  • Simulation and prototyping. Component simulation and prototyping. Design, modelling, development and construction of semi-industrial scale pilot plants. Development of ad-hoc test rigs (e.g. for electrolysis)
  • Material characterisation. Selection, definition and testing of materials in contact with hydrogen (slow strain rate test (SSRT), hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC), C-Ring (CR) test, four-point bending (4PB) tests, etc.)
  • Surface engineering. Multifunctional coatings and surface treatments: anti-corrosion, tribological, for sensor technology, etc.
  • Sensor technology. For the operation and maintenance of hydrogen production, transport, storage and use: hydrogen concentration in blends, leaks, degree of material corrosion, etc.
  • Power electronics. Our technologies make it possible to achieve more compact, more efficient, cheaper, safer and better connected energy converters and electrical-electronic systems that improve operation and maintenance.
  • Recovery of valuable materials. Technologies to recover critical materials from electrolysers and fuel cells.
  • Safety: Sensors and methodologies for hydrogen leak detection.
TECNALIA’s hydrogen infrastructure
Strategic alliances
Hydrogen Europe Research
Hydrogen Europe
Clean Hydrogen Partnership logo
Clean Hydrogen Partnership
European Clean Hydrogen Alliance
European Clean Hydrogen Alliance
IA hySafe: International Association on Hydrogen Safety
IA hySafe: International Association on Hydrogen Safety
Asociación Española del Hidrógeno
Logo Hydrogen Europe Research
Hydrogen Europe Research
PTE-HPC Plataforma Tecnológica Española del Hidrógeno y de las Pilas de Combustible
EERA-European Energy Research Alliance (Joint Programmes on Ocean Energy and Wind)