
Corrosion and ageing testing laboratory

Laboratorio de ensayos de corrosión y envejecimiento

Specialist, accredited laboratories in climatic testing and characterising materials, from which we offer a corrosion and ageing testing service for materials, components and products in any industrial sector.


The main equipment in this laboratory consists of:

  • Climatic chambers: temperature and humidity chambers, thermal shock chambers, ultraviolet ageing chambers, fluorescent (QUV) chambers, chambers with xenon arc lamps, salt spray chambers, humidity chambers, Kesternich chambers, etc.
  • Equipment for physical tests: viscometers, glossmeter, colourimeter, pycnometer, goniometer, thickness gauge, particle size gauge, sieves, impact meter…
  • Tensile machines for the SSRT technique.
  • Dynamometric rings for stress-corrosion tests.
  • Autoclaves for high pressure and temperature testing.
  • Mechanical test bench: universal testing machine and structural dynamometer, impact meter, abrasion meter…
  • Equipment for analytical techniques (FTIR, FTIR – ATR, Micro-ATR; GC, HPLC-MS, DSC, U-IS, TGA…).

This laboratory’s main services are:

  • Assessment of protection against corrosion and accelerated ageing (resistance, temperature, humidity, UV radiation…).
  • Characterisation and monitoring of the properties of coatings according to type and ageing time.
  • Fault analysis.
  • Selection of materials according to requirements.
  • Verification of compliance with EN, ISO, UNE, DIN, NF, BS, ASTM, etc. standards
  • Technical inspections.
  • Technical assessment.

Aimed at:

  • Renewable energies
  • Oil & gas sector.
  • Construction sector.
  • Component manufacturers for the aerospace, railway and automotive sectors.
  • Design and maintenance engineering firms.
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Certifications and Accreditations

-	Acreditación ENAC ILAC para el sector materiales según ISO 17025 con nº expediente 4/LE063,
Laboratory certified in ISO 9001 and ISO 17025 (ENAC certification No. 4/LE063)
-	Acreditación ENAC ILAC para el sector materiales según ISO 17025 con nº expediente 4/LE063,
ENAC ILAC accreditation for the construction sector in compliance with ISO 17025, under file No. 4/LE024
-	Acreditación ENAC ILAC para el sector materiales según ISO 17025 con nº expediente 4/LE063,
ENAC ILAC accreditation for acoustics in compliance with ISO 17025, under file No. 4/LE456. Laboratory with certified management system in accordance with standard UNE-EN 9100:2010.
AIRBUS authorized Laboratory for Surface Treatment
AIRBUS authorised Laboratory for surface treatments
Laboratorio autorizado por la ESA (Agencia Espacial Europea) para “SMT Microsectioning” según ECSS-ST-Q-70-38
European Space Agency (ESA) authorised laboratory
NADCAP MTL accreditation for Materials Testing
Nadcap accreditation for chemical processes
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