
Smart mobility laboratory (SML)

Imagen de Smart Mobility Lab de Tecnalia

Unique infrastructure that enables the rapid prototyping of smart traffic management applications and systems in urban and interurban areas.

It is aimed at increasing the level of intelligence in mobility management systems, through advanced tools for analysing, simulating and predicting traffic information.


This laboratory, Smart Mobility Lab, has three main elements for managing mass data:

  • HortonWorks/Cloudera infrastructure.
  • RAW infrastructure.
  • Infrastructure for Spark Real-time.

It also includes a machine based on the x86 platform with 28-core Intel Xeon Platinum processors and infrastructure for experimenting with and testing multicloud solutions.

The laboratory is complemented by a results display system by means of:

  • Configuring functional and technological architectures for batch and real-time processing, among others.
  • Using analytical tools with high added value.
  • Integrating various data sources.

This infrastructure allows us to respond to various specific needs and problems related to:

  • Analysing, predicting and simulating traffic.
  • Identifying mobility patterns.
  • Multimodal planning and information on mobility.
  • Identifying and predicting traffic conditions and travel times.
  • Real-time fleet analysis.
  • Support for autonomous vehicle and electric vehicles.

Aimed at:

  • Managers responsible for managing traffic and mobility.
  • Traffic and Smart City engineering firms.
  • ITS solution providers.
  • Passenger and freight transport fleet operators.
  • Logistics operators, in particular last mile operators.

International Presence

BDVA-Big Data Value Association