Laboratory service

Control of emissions, air quality and AMS calibration

Control de emisiones, calidad de aire y calibración de SAM

At our Environmental Control Laboratory, we provide testing and control of atmospheric pollutants, analysis of water quality and control of discharges, characterisation of waste and air quality.

We also provide calibration and support in continuous automatic measurement of emissions.

We support companies with air pollution emission points at their plants, enabling them to ascertain their level of compliance with prevailing legislation, emission limit values and efficiency of air pollution purification systems.

We provide the necessary technical guidance and assistance to comply with the regulations

We measure atmospheric emissions through chimney measurements and determination of the concentration of emitted pollutants: solid particles, heavy metals, SO2, NOX, CO, CO2, Dioxins and Furans, VOCs, HCI, HF, acid mists, NH3, PAHs, TOC, etc.

  • Review of authorisations and/or notification reports in accordance with the Basque Government Order of 11th July 2012.
  • Preparation of initial RCT reports
  • Planning and implementation of programmes for the self-control of emissions.
  • Measurement of global emissions for EPER and PRTR notification.
  • Calibration for the quality assurance of automatic systems for measuring the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere at facilities not affected by the UNE EN 14181 Standard.

This service offers customers the following benefits:

  • Compliance with prevailing legislation in terms of atmospheric emissions.
  • Control of the condition of facilities and the control and treatment systems.
  • Minimisation of the risk of environmental accident.

Aimed at:

  • Large combustion plants
  • Manufacturers of electrical equipment
  • Manufacturers of chemical products and derivatives
  • Equipment and consumer goods manufacturers
  • Metal transformation sector
  • Food and beverages sector
  • Auxiliary automotive companies
  • Waste incineration companies
  • Waste management entities
  • Wastewater treatment plants (WWTP)
  • Paper industries

Accreditations and Recognition

Acreditación ENAC ILAC según ISO 17025 para ensayos en el sector medioambiental. Nº 1116/LE2221 y Nº 1116/LE2210
ENAC ILAC accreditation according to ISO 17025 for Testing in the Environmental Sector. No. 1116/LE2221 and No. 111/LE2210

Environmental Control Services Brochure (spanish)

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