We carry out tests aimed at helping companies obtain their Integrated Environmental Authorisation (AAI), as required by Law 16/2002.
We also have extensive technical capacity and experience to carry out the measurements and calibrations required in the Integrated Environmental Authorisation and we are fully aware of the administrative requirements for each autonomous region
We have a full solution to control the requirements of the Environmental Monitoring Programme in accordance with the Integrated Environmental Authorisation (IEA).
Our services include the following analysis and studies:
Water Quality and Control of Discharges
- Discharge sampling and analysis
- Conformity with discharge authorisation studies
- Toxicity assessment and reduction studies
Air Quality and Control of Emissions
- Regulatory inspection of emissions (particles, NOx, SOx, metals, etc.).
- Isokinetic sampling at a constant flow
- Chimney height calculation
- PRTR studies
- Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds
- Air quality studies (immission) – active and passive collectors
- Pollutant dispersion modelling
- Environmental noise studies
- Noise maps
Contaminated soils
- Preliminary soil status reports (RD 9/2005)
- Sampling and analysis of industrial waste
- Characterisation as hazardous / non-hazardous
- Toxicological and ecotoxicological analysis
- Acceptance at landfills study (2003/33/EC)
- Environmental monitoring (leachate, gaseous emissions, etc.)
Continuous monitor calibration
Preparation of the reports required for the IEA
Aimed at:
- Large combustion plants
- Manufacturers of electrical equipment
- Manufacturers of chemical products and derivatives
- Equipment and consumer goods manufacturers
- Metal transformation sector
- Food and beverages sector
- Auxiliary automotive companies
- Waste incineration companies
- Waste management entities
- Wastewater treatment plants (WWTP)
- Paper industries
Accreditations and Recognition
ENAC ILAC accreditation according to ISO 17025 for Testing in the Environmental Sector. No. 1116/LE2221 and No. 111/LE2210
Hydraulic Administration collaborating institution
Environmental Collaboration Body (ECA) of the Autonomous Region of the Basque Country
ECAMAT collaborating institution in the Autonomous Community of Cantabria
Navarre Administration collaborating institution