
AI4ES, the Network of Excellence in Data-Based Enabling Technologies is here

27 January 2022
Nace AI4ES, la red de Excelencia en Tecnologías Habilitadoras basadas en el Dato

‘The AI4ES network will help create new jobs and alleviate the shortage of professionals trained to work with artificial intelligence, and other data-based technologies’.

Artificial intelligence acting as a key enabler of digital transformation.

The main focus of digitalisation is the transformation of the company's value proposal: it redesigns processes and business models to increase competitiveness. The volume of data available and the complexity of business in an increasingly complex economy requires rapid decision-making.

During the introduction of this new network, digital transformation expert Silvia Leal stated that the growth in company productivity will be largely due to the digitisation of its products and processes. Artificial intelligence will be a key part of this transformation, so supporting companies is essential to expand their knowledge and promote their development.

IA based on continuous learning models

Our partner Javier del Ser, lead researcher and head of artificial intelligence, emphasised 'the importance of developing an AI based on models of continuous learning, as well as autonomous systems of support to the data life cycle. Much of the laboratory developments are carried out under ideal experimental conditions, which are far from the practical circumstances that said developments based on IA in practical scenarios have to face'. Therefore, he indicated that it is important to develop real use cases where aspects such as reliability, sustainability and adaptation of AI models are relevant.

Laura Olcina, managing director of ITI, explained that AI4ES 'is a network of excellence in data-based enabling technologies, created with the aim of becoming the Spanish benchmark in research, development and transfer of those digital technologies that enable intelligent data processing and analysis'.

These technologies range from storage and processing of massive data sources (specialised IT and data computing infrastructures), data quality improvement and intelligent data analysis (Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning), to secure and reliable data access and management (Data Spaces).

Technology consortium and financing entities

The AI4ES network is formed by a technological consortium that adds and harmonises the capacities, infrastructures and activities of TECNALIA and three other Spanish technological centres of reference at national and international level, such as the Technological Institute of Information Technology ITI, CTIC Foundation and Eurecat. These become Cervera Centres of Excellence in these technologies, thanks to the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, CDTI and the European Union through the EU Next Generation Funds allocated to the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience of the Spanish Government.