Augmented reality and robotics for agriculture
Along with 2680 people and entities, we are joining in the pioneering #PorElClima initiative
The #PorElClima Community is an initiative of people, companies, organisations and public administrations that have come together with the common objective of becoming key players in the action to combat Climate Change in accordance with the guidelines set out in the Paris Agreement. 2680 people and entities are part of this initiative and the Basque Government has recently joined it.
On our part, as an organisation committed to climate change, we contribute towards the goal of reducing global greenhouse gas emissions with actions to fulfil the objectives of improving the low-carbon energy model, transport with low emissions, reducing urban waste and untreated discharges, and fostering innovation and knowledge transfer.
Within this framework, our actions in relation to climate change contemplate solutions for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as for the adaptation to climate impacts.
One of our challenges is to achieve low carbon energy. For that purpose, we develop solutions for the generation of renewable energy (solar, offshore wind power and other marine energy, etc.), for the integration of renewable resources in the electrical grid and for the optimisation of transport and energy distribution for greater energy efficiency on a building, district, city, region scale.
In the field of adaptation, we support the administrations and the private sector to increase urban and regional resilience through green infrastructures and solutions based on nature, among others, and to improve the resilience of infrastructures, particularly those related to energy.